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Transmission Line Simulator

Transmission Line Simulator

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Transmission Line Simulator Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Transmission Line Simulator Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


The Transmission Line Simulator investigates single-phaseand three-phase transmission lines. The configurable simulated transmissionlines allow realistic studies of short, medium and long-distance transmissionlines under variable load and power factor conditions, as well as with insertedfaults. The console is divided into two control panels, each with detailedmimic diagrams. The upper panel has a single phase transmission line equivalentcircuit, and the lower panel a three-phase transmission line. The lines may beloaded by the resistive, capacitive and inductive loads included. The effectscan be monitored by instruments at the send and receive ends of thetransmission lines. The single-phase transmission line includes a set ofinductive impedances connected in series. Tapping points allow the user to:

  1. Change the length of the simulated line
  2. Set up Pi or Tee methods of loss profiling using differentvalues of capacitance and
  3. Monitor the voltage, current and power at any point alongthe line.

The three-phase transmission line is in six sectionsrepresented in per-unit values. Facilities include:

  1. Operating under variable balanced or unbalanced RLC loads
  2. Select able neutral
  3. Provision to vary the length parameters

A fault application switch and earth fault resistors allowstudies of earth fault currents and the operation of relays of varyingsensitivity. For protection tests, current transformers  in the test circuits connect to the protectionrelay fitted to the control panel.

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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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