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Transformer Trainer

Transformer Trainer

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Transformer Trainer Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Transformer Trainer Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


The Transformer Trainer module fully examines single phase andthree-phase power and distribution transformers.

The fully instrumentedunit includes:

  1. One three-phase educational transformer
  2. Three single-phase educational transformers with tertiarywindings
  3. One three-phase delta-star transformer

All windings of the educational transformers connect to colour-codedshrouded sockets on the control panel. The educational transformers work at onevolt each turn, so the no-load output voltages are the same as the number ofsecondary turns. An adjustable autotransformer allows lower voltage experiments.The module includes a second fixed ratio delta-star transformer for extraexperiments. The control panel includes all the analogue and digital meters andtransducers needed to measure electrical voltage, current and power for alltransformer tests. Also included are selectable resistive, inductive andcapacitive loads, which can connect in parallel, series, delta or star connection.


Nett dimensions andweight:

  1. 1850 mm long x 1870 mm high x 960 mm front to back and 790kg

Approximate packedvolume and weight:

  1. 5 m3 and 950 kg


  1. 5 kVA 220/220 VAC three-phase delta to star (Dy11)

Single-phaseeducational transformers:

  1. Three x one volt per turn transformers rated at 1 kVA and 240V with multi-tapped primary, secondary and tertiary windings. One transformerhas thermocouples to its windings and core.

Three-phaseeducational transformers:

  1. 3 kVA nominal (1 kVA each phase) three-limb three-phase transformerwith multi-tapped primary and secondary windings. One phase has thermocouplesto its windings and core.


  1. Single and three-phase multi-function meters for a.c.measurements
  2. Phase angle meter
  3. Thermocouple temperature indicator
  4. Analogue voltage, current and power meters
  5. Voltage and current transducers

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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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