Product Description
Hydraulic Flow Demonstrator
A floor standing flow channel for use with an Hydraulics Bench
- Working section 77mm wide, 150mm high and 1100mm long
- Can be configured to demonstrate flow in open channels and closed conduits
- Clear acrylic sides for good visibility of flow patterns created
- Stilling arrangement at inlet to promote smooth flow into the working section
- Section of bed can be elevated continuously and locked at the required height
- Discharge tank incorporates flow control valve for convenience in setting up
- Total and static heads indicated on multi-tube manometer connected to Pitot tubes and static tappings at three locations in working section
- Pitot tubes mounted through bed of channel for ease of priming and height adjustment (can be traversed from floor to roof to measure velocity profile)
- Transparent scales allow measurement of all important heights and levels
- Models of hydraulic structures supplied include Undershot Weir (Sluice gate) at the inlet, Overshot Weir at the outlet, Sharp Crested Weir, Broad Crested Weir (also used to create a Culvert) and Ogee Weir
- Suitable for project work with alternative hydraulic structures (user created)
- Optional direct reading flowmeter to aid setting up of demonstrations
- Comprehensive instruction manual supplied