Product Description
Specification of Propeller Turbine
- Self contained, small-scale hydropower unit designed to demonstrate the operating principles of a propeller turbine.
- 75 litre water reservoir.
- Circulating pump, which produces 14m head at 4.4 litres/second.
- Loaded by a magnetic brake unit, which is controlled direct from the PC
- Links to a PC via a USB interface.
- Electronic sensors monitor process variables.
- Supplied with full education software package including comprehensive results processing and help facilities.
Technical Details of Propeller Turbine
- The analogue output data is digitised and transferred to a computer using the standard USB (Universal Serial Bus). This enables any standard modern Windows computer to be used, including notebooks, and does not require any internal access to the computer.
- The equipment is supplied complete with a USB lead for connection to the computer. The Turbine Demonstration Unit interfaces to the computer via the device and the USB port of the computer.
- Also available is a software driver that enables the outputs to be read in other software programs, such as LabVIEW.