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Wind Power Trainer

Wind Power Trainer

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Wind Power Trainer Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Wind Power Trainer Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description

Description of Wind Power Trainer:

Wind Power Generator removes the uncertain weather conditions by having a built-in wind power source. The trainer has wind speed measurements and DC meters showing voltage and current. There are several out-puts and load adjustments making the electricity generated easy to use and test by the student. The wind is generated by a 120 volt motor with dual speed settings which the wind turbine converts this energy to electrical power. The electrically driven fan which is an integral part of the unit, is capable of simulating wind power speeds up to 25 mph. Wind speed measurement can be taken easily with a handheld picot tube connected to a meter calibrated directly in mph. The system acts as a wind tunnel where the design of a wind turbine can be tested and the power output measured in DC amps and volts. The power can be directed towards a bank of lights or for external use. The maximum power produced by the generator is 5 amps at 20 volts DC. The electrical load is taken up by internal resistors, both fixed and variable. The generator output can also be connected to an external load.

Specifications of Wind Power Trainer:

The consists of:


  1. 4" Wind Speed Meter with Movable Picot Tube; 0-2, 800 FPM
  2. 2.5" Ammeter; field current 0-3 amps
  3. 2.5" Voltmeter; output 0-25 volts
  4. 2.5" Ammeter, output 0-5 amps
  5. Field Adjust Rheostat
  6. Load Adjust Rheostat g.
  7. Load Display Selector Switches
  8. Eight 1" Panel Lights
  9. Output Terminals
  10. Input Power: 115V AC (11 amp 60Hz)
  11. Output Power: 0-20V DC (0-5 amps DC
  12. Operable in wind from 1,000 to 2,800 FPM
  13. Complete Integral Fan for Wind Simulation



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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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