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VW And AUDI TSI Petrol Direct Injection CAVD

VW And AUDI TSI Petrol Direct Injection CAVD

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


VW And AUDI TSI Petrol Direct Injection CAVD Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

VW And AUDI TSI Petrol Direct Injection CAVD Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


The 1,4l-TSIengine rig is equipped with a fully functional original engine on the currenttechnological development. The motor is mounted on a movable aluminum frame.The permanently installed test box with  4mm sockets with direct access to all154 ports of the engine control unit and the adapter cables offer thepossibility to represent 20 realistic faults and malfunctions, to locate andfix it. In addition, the motor training stand has simulator components (5), anemergency-off switch as well as a table to place a laptop for instance. Thecircuit diagrams and repair manuals are included on the supplied CD. Diagnosticsockets are fitted to the engine rigs as appropriate. All rotating parts arefully guarded. The engine rigs offers an enhanced training resource, hands-ontraining with real components, greater understanding for the student withoutthe constraints of the modern motor vehicle.



  1. Fullyfunctional petrol engine, complete with fuel system, cooling and exhaust system
  2. VW/AUDI TSI1.4
  3. Test box with 2mm sockets with direct access to all 154 ports of the ECU
  4. Error boxwith 20 faults
  5. Circuitdiagrams and repair manuals on CD
  6. Originaldiagnosis socket 
  7. Engine Rigmounted on a self-contained stand complete with castors
  8. Rotatingparts covered
  9. Aluminiumframe



  1. Length 1200mm, Width 1100 mm, Height 1300 mm
  2. Weight: 250kg

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  • 50
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  • 250
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