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Vapour Compression Refrigerator And Heat Pump Apparatus

Vapour Compression Refrigerator And Heat Pump Apparatus

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Vapour Compression Refrigerator And Heat Pump Apparatus Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Vapour Compression Refrigerator And Heat Pump Apparatus Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days
  • Export Worthy
  • ISO

Product Description

Description of Vapour Compression Refrigerator And Heat Pump Apparatus: 

The unit is designed to use Tetrafluoroethane as the refrigerant with a twin cylinder reciprocating compressor, belt driven by the variable speed dynamometer. The refrigeration circuitry includes a water cooled condenser complete with isolating valves, manual expansion valve, evaporator, variable area flowmeter for mass flow of refrigerant, filter/drier unit, sight glass and over pressure cut-out for unit protection.

The evaporator coil is mounted in an electrically stirred water/glycol mixture contained in a thermally insulated, stainless steel tank. Heating of this water/glycol mix is infinitely variable enabling balanced experimental conditions over a wide range of temperatures to be obtained. The water/ glycol mixture is protected from over temperature conditions by a thermostat should the heater should be left on when the compressor is not circulating refrigerant.

Experimental Capabilities of Vapour Compression Refrigerator And Heat Pump Apparatus: 

  • Determine the energy flows and coefficient of performance for given operating instructions.  
  • Examine the behaviour refrigerating cycle under variable loads and speeds.  
  • Operate the refrigeration unit over a range of conditions.  
  • Estimate the Heat Transfer Coefficient.  
  • Determine the Mechanical, Thermodynamic (Isentropic) and Volumetric efficiencies.  
  • Estimate the rate at which heat is transferred to the system from the surrounding environment.  
  • Compile an energy balance under light load and full load conditions.

Specification of Vapour Compression Refrigerator And Heat Pump Apparatus:  

Vapour Compression Refrigerator and heat pump for with two cylinder reciprocating compressor tapped for optional pressure transducer, dynamometer drive by DC machine with a solid state control unit, water cooled condenser manually controlled expansion valve, evaporator and water-glycol bath with electrical heating. Instrumentation includes pressure gauges selectable multi-point direct reading digital thermometer for all temperatures, variable area flowmeters digital ammeter for heater current, digital meter for torque readout and digital tachometer, the instrumentation is integrated into an operator panel printed with a five colour mimic diagram.

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  • 50
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