Product Description
Specification of Turbine Service Unit
- A bench top service unit, which provides a suitable water supply for testing a range of different turbines.
- Clear acrylic reservoir which holds up to 28 litres.
- Peripheral type pump providing up to 20 litres per minute or up to 30m head (not simultaneously).
- Paddle wheel type flow meter.
- Magnetic type dynamometer controlled from software.
- Software control of both pump and brake allows remote operation of the equipment over an internet.
- Links to a suitable computer via a USB interface device, which does not require internal access to the computer. Also allows interfacing to other software packages.
- Supplied with full education software package including comprehensive results processing and help facilities.
Technical Details of Turbine Service Unit
- The analogue output data is digitised and transferred to a computer using the standard USB (Universal Serial Bus). This allows any standard modern Windows computer to be used, including notebooks, and does not require any internal access to the computer.
- The equipment is supplied complete with a USB lead for connection to the computer.
- The Turbine Demonstration Unit interfaces to the computer via and the USB port of the computer.
- Also available is a software driver that allows the outputs to be read in other software programs, such as Labview.