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Stiffness Bending and Torsion

Stiffness Bending and Torsion

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Stiffness Bending and Torsion Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Stiffness Bending and Torsion Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


A compact bench-mounting frame that holds different partsfor investigations into stiffness of materials. The standard includes parts fortests in bending of beams of different materials and cross-section. Optionaladditional kits allow investigations into different beam fixings and torsionalstiffness. The main part is a rigid metal frame. Supplied as standard are twoadjustable knife edges that work as simple supports for test beams. A linearscale on the back panel of the frame allows accurate positioning of the knifeedges. The kit also includes weights, a magnetic dial gauge and a set of differentbeams. Also included in the standard kit is a vernier gauge for students toaccurately measure dimensions of the specimens they test. Students add differentloads to the beams using weights on a hanger. The dial gauge indicator on theback panel accurately measures beam deflection. The Additional ExperimentationKit available as an optional extra, enables further investigations into asimple cantilever, a propped cantilever and an encastre beam. The AdditionalTorsion Testing Kit is also available as an optional extra. It allows torsiontests on solid rods of different materials and a tube.



500 mm x 250 mm x 350 mm, packed volume 0.08 m3


Approximately: 12 kg

Packed: 16 kg

Bench space needed:

Solid, level bench space of approximately 500 mm x500 mm


6 x 0.5 N

Test beams:

Brass, steel, aluminium, wood, acrylic and polyethylene

Aluminium test beam cross- sections:

Square, rectangular and hollow

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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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