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Static And Dynamic Balancing Machine

Static And Dynamic Balancing Machine

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Static And Dynamic Balancing Machine Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Static And Dynamic Balancing Machine Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description

Description of Static And Dynamic Balancing Machine:

The Static and Dynamic Balancing Machine has been developed to provide means for accurate experimental work in the balancing of rigid rotors. The design of the machine adheres to industrial practice and the machine may be used to balance real rotors of up to 152 mm (6") diameter and 450 mm length in addition to the fivedisc rotor provided. The main feature of the machine is that the cradle, in which the rotor to be balanced is supported, has only one degree of freedom which is that of rotation in a horizontal plane about the axis of the crossed spring pivot. The position of the rotor in the cradle is adjusted so that one of the correction planes contains the axis of the cradle suspension and the rotor is balanced for moments about this correction plane by adjustments in the other correction plane. The rotor is then turned round in the cradle and balanced for moments about the other correction plane, or alternatively it is balanced statically. In either case the rotor is then completely balanced, both statically and dynamically.

Experimental Capability of Static And Dynamic Balancing Machine:


  1. Four vector method of balancing, two- or three- vector method  
  2. Pivot cradle balancing
  3. Nodal point balancing
  4. Static balancing
  5. Graphical analysis of unbalance
  6. Analytical analysis of unbalance


Technical Specifications of Static And Dynamic Balancing Machine:


  1. Comprising cradle supported on crossed spring pivot and furnished with ball bearing system and variable speed electric drive.
  2. provision for testing rotors of different diameters all mounted on a substantial base plate
  3. Provided with transducer and read-out system for amplitude measurement and stroboscope for angle measurement
  4. To permit static and dynamic balancing of rigid rotors.
  5. To determine a vector, pivot cradle and nodal point balancing.
  6. Stroboscope for angle measurement.
  7. To be complete with five-disc rotor on which the discs are adjustable for angular position and provided with a means for fitting out-of-balance and balancing masses.
  8. Masses to be included.


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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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