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Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus

Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days
  • Export Worthy
  • ISO

Product Description

Descriptions of Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus

This Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus has been designed to introduce students to the effects of material fatigue using a sinusoidal variation of bending stress. A 2800rpm motor rotates a specimen through a gear and pulley arrangement between 5600 or 1425 rpm. The specimens are held within chucks and loaded using a cantilever arrangement, with the load being applied through a screw jack mechanism with integral cantilever load cell. The applied force is captured on the digital display along with the revolution count of the specimen. Both values can be reset and zeroed (tared) prior to the testing commencing. When failure occurs, a microswitch stops the motor and the cycles to failure are registered on the digital display. The count remains when the motor is not running and the ability to reset the counter has been designed in. A safety guard shields all rotating parts. The digital display incorporates a usb socket, which allows a host computer  to be connected to the. The software supplied with the allows the capture and reviewing of data. Through an appropriate spreadsheet software printing and manipulation of data can be completed.Specially machined necked test specimens are provided in steel. These have a 4mm nominal neck diameter and are held in the unit using collAet chucks. All tooling is provided to allow the removal and fitting of these specimens. 

 Experimental Capabilities of Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus

  1. To make an introductory study of fatigue using a wohler rotating fatigue apparatus, including the time to failure caused by various stress levels and materials
  2. Introducing students to s-n curvesMaterial specification on fatigue limits
  3. Specimen geometry on fatigue limit
  4. The accessory affords bending fatigue of a cantilevered strip of metal or plastic in modes varying from alternating to fluctuating stresses

Specifications of Rotating Fatigue Machine Digital Apparatus

  1. To demonstrate the effects of fatigue
  2. To be self contained bench top unit on sturdy, heavy base plate
  3. To be data acquisitioned for capturing applied force, specimen revolutions
  4. Data acquisition software supplied
  5. To test necked specimens of different materials
  6. To be fully guarded in order to restrain fractured specimen
  7. Rotate a loaded cantilever until failure occurs in rupture
  8. Specimen loading via screw jack mechanism with integral cantilever load cell
  9. Rotational speeds variable through gear ratios
  10. To have digital display of specimen revolutions, applied force on specimen
  11. Motor to stop automatically on specimen failure
  12. Reset and tare function for digital display
  13. To be supplied with mild steel test specimens
  14. Comprehensive technical manual 



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