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Refrigerator Unit

Refrigerator Unit

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Refrigerator Unit Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Refrigerator Unit Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


Refrigerator Unit Model is part of the HSI trainingsystem for refrigeration and air conditioning technology. In combination withthe base unit HSI training system refrigeration and air conditioningtechnology, base unit the operational model of a domestic refrigerator iscreated. The model is plugged onto the base unit, secured using fasteners andconnected with refrigerant hoses to become a complete refrigeration circuit. Refrigerator Unit Model consists of arefrigeration chamber with a heater as cooling load, evaporator, fan andvarious expansion elements. The fan supports the achievement of an eventemperature distribution in the chamber. A cooling load can additionally besimulated with the heater. Solenoid valves enable the operation of the systemwith capillary tube or with expansion valve. All components are clearlyarranged on a panel. The operationof individual system components, here the temperature control, fan, heater,compressor and solenoid valves, takes place via the software. The softwareoffers the option to simulate faults. Temperaturesand pressures in the system are recorded by sensors and displayed dynamicallyin the software. The effect of parameter changes can be tracked online in thelog p-h diagram.



  1. Model of arefrigerator to plug onto the base unit
  2. The trainingsystem with HSI technology
  3. Refrigerationchamber with evaporator, fan and cooling load
  4. Chamber withtransparent front
  5. Electricheater to generate the cooling load
  6. Expansionelements selectable via solenoid valves: expansion valve or capillary tube
  7. Sensors torecord temperature and pressure



  1. Refrigerationchamber, LxWxH: 270x270x220mm
  2. Electric PTCheater as cooling load: 210W
  3. Capillarytube: length 2m


Dimensionsand weight:


Weight: approx.30kg

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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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