Product Description
Computer Controlled Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Unit One Condenser Air And Two Evaporators Water And Air.
- Bench-top unit. Anodized aluminium structure and panels in painted steel (epoxy paint). Main metallic elements in stainless steel.
- Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution to the elements in the real unit.
- Cooling compressor, computer controlled.
- Air condenser, computer controlled.
- High pressure control.
- Coolant accumulation tank. Cooling filter. Tank of division of the cooling liquid.
- Expansion valve.
- Water evaporator. Air evaporator, computer controlled.
- 4 Manometers.
- 9 Temperature sensors (4 sensors measure the cooling temperature, 2 sensors measure the water temperature, 3 sensors measure the air temperature
- 2 Flow sensors: Cooling flow sensor. Water flow sensor (water evaporator).
- 2 Pressure sensors: Cooling pressure sensor (compressor outlet). Cooling pressure sensor (compressor inlet).
- Wattmeter.
- Enthalpy diagram of the refrigerant R134a.