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Production Assembly Learning System

Production Assembly Learning System

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Production Assembly Learning System Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Production Assembly Learning System Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days
  • Export Worthy
  • ISO

Product Description

Production Assembly Learning System

The Production Assembly Learning System teaches fundamentals of assembly skills used throughout modern industry. High quality assembly skills are in short supply, with the impact being more product failures which lead to increased costs, customer dissatisfaction, and in some cases, safety issues. Students will learn industry-relevant skills including how to identify and safely handle torque wrenches, operate both click-type and air impulse torque wrenches, properly sequence fittings, install, operate and maintain O-rings and lip seals, assemble hoses and couplings, route hoses including using clamps, brackets and clips, identify and install STOR and Zerk hydraulic fittings, and handle both steel and plastic tubing.

The Production Assembly Learning System includes a mobile workstation, mechanical panels, hose kit, fastener kit, fitting kit, bin kit, consumables kit, miscellaneous tool kit, torque fixture kit, torquing fasteners panel, fitting torque wrenches panel, back-up wrenches panel, electric and pneumatic tools panel, protective plug cap kit, CD-ROM based student learning materials for both theory and lab, and teachers assessment guide. The CD-ROM based curriculum includes virtual simulation of key skills, allowing learners to practice skills in advance of actually working on the equipment. Production Assembly Learning System uses industrial quality components to help assure that students are better prepared for what they will encounter on the job and to withstand frequent student use. The CD-ROM based curriculum can be accessed locally or web delivered, allowing businesses to increase delivery of high quality assembly practices in far flung organizations.

Options available to expand the Production Assembly Learning System even further include a split flange learning system, electric torque wrench learning system, stall bar learning system, and instrumented DC-electric torque wrench learning system.

Features of Production Assembly Learning System

  • Industrial Size Components
  • Heavy Duty Steel Workstation
  • Safe Power Level-24 VDC
  • Interactive CD-ROM Curriculum with Virtual Simulation
  • High Quality Assembly Skills and Troubleshooting Knowledge
  • Multimedia Curriculum
  • Student Reference Guide







Requirements of Production Assembly Learning System

  • Air Supply
  • Computer


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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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