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Natural Vibration On A Ship

Natural Vibration On A Ship

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Natural Vibration On A Ship Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Natural Vibration On A Ship Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


The experiment-basedvibration analysis is an essential component in shipbuilding design anddevelopment. The Natural Vibration on a Ship model unit helps studentstake their first steps in the field of experimental vibration analysis or modalanalysis of structures. Using this trainer, the dynamic behaviour of a shipstructure is studied, teaching students the fundamentals of experimentalvibration analysis. The Natural Vibration on a Ship model can be used tomeasure and record the natural frequencies and modes of a model ship. Thesimple, idealised ship shape makes it easier to approach the problemmathematically. The plastic model ship has nine ribs and an elliptical lineplan. The model ship is attached to a rigid cross-member by springs. Theenclosed box cross-section with high rigidity means the natural frequency ofthe cross-member is negligibly high. An electrodynamic vibration exciter causesthe model ship to vibrate. A function generator produces the excitation signal,which can be adjusted in amplitude and frequency. An arbitrarily positionableacceleration sensor measures the models response to the excitation signal. Inthis manner, the transfer functions for various points of the model ship can begenerated step by step. These can be used to determine the vibration modes forvarious natural frequencies.



  1. Dynamicbehaviour of a ship structure
  2. Simple shipform simplifies the mathematical approach
  3. Differentexcitation signals possible
  4. Optionalexcitation and measuring points



  1. Vibrationbehaviour of a model ship in air and in water
  2. Ship Model mountedon springs; vibration excitation and acceleration measurement at any point
  3. Frame withheight-adjustable cross-member for attaching the model
  4. High naturalfrequency of the cross-member owing to enclosed box cross-section with highrigidity and low weight
  5. Plastic modelship with elliptical lines plan and 9 ribs
  6. Capacitiveacceleration sensor with measuring amplifier, freely positionable
  7. Vibrationexciter with power amplifier and function generator: sinusoidal, triangular orrectangular signal




  1. Electrodynamictype with permanent magnet
  2. Max. force:8,9N
  3. Frequencyrange: 5…12000Hz


  1. Adjustablefrequency, amplitude and offset
  2. Output:0…10Vss, 50 Ohm


  1. Measuringrange: ±5g
  2. Frequencyrange: 0…400Hz

Ship Model:

  1. Deck stringerwith fastening holes for sensors and suspension

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  • 50
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