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Microcomputer Control Optical Cable Reciprocating Bend Testing Machine

Microcomputer Control Optical Cable Reciprocating Bend Testing Machine

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Microcomputer Control Optical Cable Reciprocating Bend Testing Machine Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Microcomputer Control Optical Cable Reciprocating Bend Testing Machine Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description

Microcomputer Control Optical Cable Reciprocating Bend Testing Machine

This product features the second generation of structural design, eliminating dead locks in the first generation when performing reciprocating movement. The new generation adopts a reciprocating movement structure, eliminating the possibility of dead locks completely. Integrated non-contact transducer detects reciprocating bend times, avoiding the abrasion caused by contact transducers. Remote communication ports are installed to make it easier for remote controlling operation on a computer.

Technical Specifications:

  1. Reciprocating bend angle: 90.
  2. Reciprocating bend speed: 1030 times/min, configured at will.
  3. Reciprocating bend count: 19999 times, configured at will.
  4. Hammer bracket weight: 5kg.
  5. Total hammer weight: 22.5kg. Weights: 5kg4,2.5kg1.
  6. Roller radius: 75mm, 100mm, 150mm, replaceable according to testing requirements.
  7. Distance from cable grip to wheel tangent point: 250mm, 500mm, 1000mm, adjustable.
  8. Tests can begin with only the testing machine, or triggered remotely by a computer. Automatically records bending count till the test stops



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  • 50
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  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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