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Inclined Plane And Sliding Friction Apparatus

Inclined Plane And Sliding Friction Apparatus

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Inclined Plane And Sliding Friction Apparatus Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Inclined Plane And Sliding Friction Apparatus Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description

Description of Inclined Plane And Sliding Friction Apparatus:

Consisting mostly of metal construction with a machine ground steel plane. The plane carries a free running pulley at one end and at the other end is hinged to the base plate. Two vertical pillars located either side of the plane carry a cross bar which can be positioned at various levels by set screws to tilt the plane. A knurled screw permits fine adjustment of the angle of the plane which has a maximum value of 45º. The angle is displayed on a Clinometer Protractor on the front face of the plane. Eight sliding surfaces are supplied on opposite faces of 10 cm x 10 cm pads having a total mass of 1 Kg each. Additional loads of 2 x 1 Kg each and 1 x 500 gm together with 1 Kg weight carrier are also provided. Certain materials are provided on both half area and full area of the pads. Other surfaces include steel, glass, aluminium and PVC.

Applications of Inclined Plane And Sliding Friction Apparatus:


  1. Measures coefficient of friction between steel and various materials  
  2. Frictional effects of an inclined plane
  3. Experiments of moving and static bodies


Features of Inclined Plane And Sliding Friction Apparatus:   


  1. Clinometer measurement for fine adjustment of plane angle  
  2. Eight sliding surfaces of various engineering materials  
  3. Various load masses


Specification of Inclined Plane And Sliding Friction Apparatus:    

The robust apparatus is of all metal construction with an inclinable 90 cm ground steel plane furnished with course and fine angular adjustment which is determined with the use of a clinometer. Weight carriers of 8 different sliding frictional materials are included together with load masses.

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  • 50
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