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Generator Battery Charging Trainer with Multifunction Controller

Generator Battery Charging Trainer with Multifunction Controller

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Generator Battery Charging Trainer with Multifunction Controller Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Generator Battery Charging Trainer with Multifunction Controller Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


  1. Fullyfunctional generator with multifunction controller, specially prepared fortraining purposes
  2. Allcomponents connected outwards with 4 mm sockets, recordable and verifiable bymeasurement
  3. Faultsimulation, drive engine speed controlled
  4. Ignitionstart-switch, measuring and display devices, battery connection boards andconsumers well-structured in the frame
  5. Teacher-studentworking documents and detailed accompanying documentation


Feasible experiments

  1. Batterycharging with the generator
  2. Loadon the generator - alternator test
  3. Diodes,capacitor and regulator plugged from the outside, open or short circuit ofindividual diodes possible
  4. Simulateerrors such as open or short circuit of individual diodes
  5. Troubleshootingwith the oscilloscope possible


  1. Width 1290 mm, Depth 730 mm, Height 1915 mm
  2. Weight 90 kg
  3. Power supply: 230 V / 50-60 Hz

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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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