Product Description
Flow Injection Analysis
Specification Of Flow Injection Analysis
- Continuous, photometric determination of the glucose concentration in the product
- PTFE flow cell for determining the concentration with the photometer
- Multi-channel peristaltic pump for conveying the product and the indicator reagents
- Injection valve, injection syringe and injection loop for adding the enzyme GOD required for verification
- 2 mixing chambers for mixing the product and indicator reagents
- 2 PTFE reaction loops
- 3 DURAN glass beakers for indicator reagents and GOD
- 1 tank for waste
Technical Data
- Flow cell travel length: 1cm
- Multi-channel peristaltic pump
- 4 channels
- Max. flow rate per channel: 11mL/min at 100min-1 and hose Di=1,42mm
Injection valve
- 6 connections
- 2 switch positions
- Reaction loops: 1x 2000mm, 1x 4000mm
- Injection loop: 1x 100mm
- Indicator reagents: 2x 250ml
- GOD: 1x 25ml
- Waste: 1x 1000ml
- Injection syringe: 1x 10mL