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Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus

Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days
  • Export Worthy
  • ISO

Product Description

Descriptions of DIDAC Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus

The Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus has been designed to illustrate the basic features of electrical resistance strain gauges and their application in measuring bending and torsion. A cantilever has a single gauge bonded onto its surface, and an identical gauge is fixed to an unstressed piece of the same material for temperature compensation. The two gauges form part of a wheatstone bridge which has a balancing potentiometer, and whose meter is calibrated directly in microstrains. The cantilever is loaded by the load hanger and calibrated weights hung from its free end. A torsion bar is also supplied having two gauges bonded orthogonally at 45º. A detailed label on the unit shows the wheatstone bridge arrangement and how the specimen strain gauges connect into the circuit.

Experimental Capabilities of Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus

  1. To show the application of Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus in the measurement of stress due to bending and torsion
  2. To demonstrate the use of wheatstone bridge arrangements in measuring change of resistance
  3. Visibly shows location of Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus within wheatstone bridge arrangement and the position and use of balancing potentiometers
  4. With optional extras to show other methods of temperature compensation in conjunction with tension and compression specimens
  5. Dummy, temperature compensation gauges
  6. Wiring of Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus

Specifications of Electrical Resistance Strain GaugeApparatus

The apparatus has been designed to illustrate the basic features of electrical resistance Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus and their application in measuring bending and torsion. A cantilever has a Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge Apparatus bonded onto its surface, and an identical gauge is fixed to an unstressed piece of the same material for temperature compensation.


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  • 50
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