Product Description
Elastomeric Bearing Testing Machine
- The hydraulic system features a quick withdraw unit to promote efficiency.
- Electromechanically adjustable test space between upper and lower compression platen. Horizontal shear components are moveable electromechanically and easy to operate.
- Multi-channel coordinative digital load control system makes it more convenient to perform tests.
- A wide range of test projects are supported by the testing software perfect support for the latest mechanics performance testing standards on rubber bearing products.
- Support for management permissions for various user types (Operator, administrator and engineer).
- Easy to set testing methods. Administrators may configure in a specific range of settings under related standards, pre-installed with two sets of testing schemas (standard testing schema and custom testing schema).
- Highly automatic testing process. Capable of general functionalities including automatically aligning with zero, smooth continuous loading and un-loading, automatic sustaining. Capable of monitoring the whole testing process, automatic testing data measuring and processing, automatic testing curve displaying, automatic saving the source data and curves of tests.
- Highly user-friendly testing process. Operators may perform testing procedures according to system suggestions. Other interactions may retrieve testing state suggestions in time.
- The testing software supports displaying various categories of testing data, and drawing real-time common-type curves including load-time, displacement-time, deformation-time, load-displacement, load-strain, stress-strain and etc., as well as partial curve zooming in/out.
- Testing data automatic processing, one-click data calculation, automatic testing report obtaining and printing.
- Integrated with a complete set of templates for shear tests from the Ministry of Transport of the Peoples Republic of China. Customizations are also supported to cater for users specific requirements.
- The testing software is integrated with a complete and safe data storing system. Supports tracing history testing data, automatic test report generating and printing.
- Rich and detailed help documentation installed in the test software. Contents including testing descriptions, operating procedures, cautions can be viewed or printed through the help system.
- Integrated with travel limit protection and full scale overload protection.