Product Description
Fully functional engine control system CommonRail direct injection Bosch EDC 15 installed in a mobile aluminum frame. Theeducational training system is based on OEM components of Renault. The systemallows students to learn about the structure of the engine control system,study its components and operation modes, and perform various measurements,tests and other diagnostic procedures.
Technical Specifications and Functions:
- Integrated engine control system with dieselCommon Rail direct injection.
- The stand consists of two parts: one isdesigned to demonstrate the work of the high pressure pump and the injectors,the other to demonstrate the electronic engine management system. Both partsare electrically interconnected and operate as a single system.
- Monitoring operation of high pressure fuelsupply system, injected fuel quantity, the amount of fuel back leak, spraypattern quality.
- Adjustable air flow rate simulator allows todemonstrate a work of mass air flow meter and air temperature sensor.
- Manual adjustment of the engine crankshaftspeed.
- Integrated simulators allows to changeparameters of engine temperature sensor.
- Integrated simulators allows to changeparameters of intake air pressure sensor.
- The system has a complete electric wiringdiagram of the Common Rail direct injection system.
Diagnostic andMeasurement:
- Systemparameters are measured by connecting to the 4 mm connectors.
- Possibilityto measure electrical signal parameters of each system component.
Control unitdiagnosis
- Diagnosisthrough OBD 16 pin diagnostic socket
- Electroniccontrol unit identification
- Reading/erasingfault codes
- Displayingthe operating system parameters
- Activatingthe actuators
- Controlunit encoding/configuration
- Powersupply: 220/12 V
- Dimensionsapprox.: (HxLxW)
- -Electronic part (board) 1820x1360x500mm
- -Mechanical part (trolley) 1500 x 800 x 500mm
- Weightapprox.: 135 Kg