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Circuit Breaker Trainer

Circuit Breaker Trainer

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Circuit Breaker Trainer Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Circuit Breaker Trainer Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


This equipment works with a suitable three-phase supply andload to show how the most common circuit protection devices perform. It allowsstudents to adjust the fault current in four different protection circuits totest and compare them. A variable transformer inside the unit works with theload to set and control the fault current in each of four circuits. Eachcircuit has a different current protection device, including fuses, a magneticonly circuit-breaker, a thermal only circuit-breaker, and a thermo magneticcircuit breaker. To show students how industrial switching circuits work, eachcircuit includes a contact breaker, switched by an industrial standarddiscrepancy switch. Circuit one includes an additional adjustable residualcurrent detector for experiments with different residual current faults. Itincludes a digital display and switches to help set the earth leakage faultcurrent before the test. Circuit two tests fuses and includes a ‘fuse break’detector circuit. This uses lamps to show the students when each of the fusesbreaks. It shows the fault current and breaking time relationship for differentfuse types.



Dimensions and weight:

Nett: 1000 mm wide x 500 mm high x 420 mm front to back and102 kg

Approximate packed: 0.34 m3 and 150 kg

Load bank:

Refer to separate datasheet.

Circuit 1:

Thermo magnetic Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) with C curvecharacteristics and an Adjustable Residual Current Detector (RCD).

Circuit 2:

Three type gG cartridge fuses in carriers. Includes a ‘fuse break’detector circuit.

Circuit 3:

Thermal overload and remote/local keys witches

Circuit 4:

Magnetic circuit breaker with F2 curve characteristics.

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  • 50
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