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Cavitation Tunnel

Cavitation Tunnel

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Cavitation Tunnel Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Cavitation Tunnel Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days
  • Export Worthy
  • ISO

Product Description

Description of DIDAC Cavitation Tunnel:

The additional measuring sections Nos. 2, 3 and 4 are exchangeable against the standard measuring section so that the tunnel can be made suitable for a wide range of test work. The main data of a Cavitation Tunnel with the standard measuring section are as follows:

Measuring section 60 cm x 60 cm

Contraction ratio of the nozzle  5.96 : 1

Maximum velocity of the water in the measuring section  12m/s

Pressure regulation from relatively high vacuum to above atmospheric pressure measured at the pressure regulation container 1 bar Approx.

Cavitation number adjustable in a wide range down to below

Total length including stiffening girders, not including the length required for a propeller dynamometer and a wake rake 13.9m

Total height from the floor at which the tunnel foundations are supported to the highest part of the cavitation tunnel, inclusive stiffening girders, not including some additional height for the separate pressure regulation container and not including the height required for setting in propeller * dynamometers or other test equipment  9.3m

Technical Data of  DIDAC Cavitation Tunnel:

Cavitation Tunnels of the general type are widely adaptable for various purposes. They can be arranged for propeller tests in a wake distribution, for propeller tests with inclined axis and with counter-rotating propellers, for installing a 3- or 6-component balance and for other purposes. If a customer is not interested in propeller tests, the propeller dynamometer equipment with accessories can be omitted so that the cost is reduced correspondingly. The centre to centre length between the two vertical parts of the tunnel is 12.0m. The centre to centre height between the two horizontal parts is 7.0m. This height gives sufficient time and pressure to allow the fine air bubbles separated from the water in the measuring section to be re-absorbed in the lower parts of the runnel. If desired, the tunnel height can be increased or decreased. The measuring section 60cm x 60cm is provided with 8 removable windows of Perspex. An intermediate section between the upper two windows can be removed to allow an opening at the top of the measuring section for the installation of long test bodies.


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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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