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Brake Rig Ford Disc And Drums Gauges

Brake Rig Ford Disc And Drums Gauges

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Brake Rig Ford Disc And Drums Gauges Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Brake Rig Ford Disc And Drums Gauges Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


  1. Selfcontained, fully operational Brake Rig, Cross diagonal hydraulic circuit.
  2. Indicatorlamps fitted for handbrake and foot brake operation.
  3. Complete withmaster cylinder and servo, disc / drum assembly handbrake and foot brake.
  4. Fullyportable, suitable for classroom demonstrator and practical exercise in theworkshop.
  5. Optionalindicator lamp for handbrake and foot brake.
  6. The Brake Rigoffers an enhanced training resource, hands-on training with real componentsand greater understanding for the student with out the constraints of themodern motor vehicle.



  1. Fullyoperational, self contained Brake Rig, cross diagonal hydraulic circuit, basedupon FORD
  2. Includingdisc and drum Brakes, master cylinder and servo
  3. Brakepressure indication with gauges
  4. Hand brakeand brake pedal with switches
  5. Brake taillight fitted
  6. Brakecomponents mounted on a frame complete with castors
  7. Powder coatedpaint finish



  1. Length 1300mm, Width 800 mm, Height 1350 mm
  2. Weight: 130kg

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  • 50
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