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Bench Top Wind Tunnel

Bench Top Wind Tunnel

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


Bench Top Wind Tunnel Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack
  • 1 Pack

Bench Top Wind Tunnel Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days

Product Description


The Bench-Top Wind Tunnel offers a complete system ready foraerodynamic experimentation. A range of models and all necessary instrumentationare included to provide accurate results, suitable for undergraduate study andresearch projects. Pitot tubes attach to the working section and connect to aliquid manometer so students can analyse pressure at different positions andcalculate air speed. supplies a two-component balance with the Wind Tunnel. Ituses an electronic force sensor to measure the lift or drag forces on modelsfitted to the Working Section. It has a clear digital display giving a directreading of the measured force value, for real-time data collection. Abench-mounting metal frame holds all parts of the wind tunnel in one compactunit. Air enters the tunnel through an aerodynamically designed effuser andhoneycomb flow straightener that accelerates the air linearly. It then entersthe working section and passes through a grille before moving through a diffuserand then to a variable-speed fan. The grille protects the fan from damage byloose objects. The air leaves the fan, passes up through a silencer unit andthen back out to atmosphere. A controller with an electronic drive allows theuser to vary the fan speed accurately from zero to full speed. The electronicdrive keeps the chosen speed constant.


  1. Nett Dimensions (assembled): 1850 mm long x 560 mm wide x1040 mm high and 80 kg
  2. Working Section: 125 mm x 125 mm
  3. Maximum Air Velocity: 35 m.s-1



  1. Selection of models included for studies of drag andpressure profiles  
  2. Saves time and money compared to full-scale wind-tunnels orairborne laboratories  
  3. Two-component balance with digital display for lift and dragmeasurement
  4. Compact, open-circuit suction design
  5. Transparent Working Section for a full view of the test area
  6. Electronic controller for variable air velocity


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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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