Product Description
Ball And Plate Apparatus
Description of Ball And Plate Apparatus
- The Ball and Plate Apparatus shows the problems of the of an unstable system. The apparatus consists of a plate pivoted at its centre so the plate can tilt in two directions.
- Stepper motors tilt the plate. A servo system with a stepper motor control card controls the motors. A camera with an intelligent vision system measures the ball position.
- The basic control task is to control the ball position. The ball is free to roll on the plate.
The equipment includes of Ball And Plate Apparatus
- Ball and plate model
- Power supply
- A data acquisition board for your computer
- Camera with USB connection
- The data acquisition board fits into a suitable computer (not included) to link with the Ball and Plate Apparatus and control its motors.
Software (included)
- Demonstration program with PID controllers
- Interface library for programming at the system level
Experiments of Ball And Plate Apparatus
- Real-time digital image processing
- Digital PID controller design for ball position stabilisation and trajectory following
- Fuzzy controller design
- Adaptive controller design
- Path planning for moving the ball between obstacles Essential Services
Electrical supply:
- 110/220/240 VAC, 50 W, 50/60 Hz, with earth
- Specify your voltage on order
- Bench space needed: 0.6 m x 1000 mm
Operating Conditions
- Operating environment:Laboratory
- Storage temperature range:25°C to +55°C (when packed for transport)
- Operating temperature range:+5°C to +40°C
- Operating relative humidity range:80% at temperatures < 31°C decreasing linearly to 50% at
- 40°C