Product Description
Air Conditioning System Control Simulator
- An Air Conditioning System Control Simulator for studying the design parameters, requirements and control of an air conditioning system installed in a large industrial / commercial building.
- The is designed to allow students to study two different parameters:
- The design of a single-duct air handling unit and consideration of the design specification based on the parameters such as thermal loads, fresh air flow rate, thermohygrometric conditions of the outdoor and room air. This is assessed against the available air supply and the requirements of the room to be air conditioned and the power availability for pre and post heating and the cooling and dehumidification devices
- The operation of the automatic control system of a single-duct air conditioning in
- The simulates ON/OFF digital control and proportional analogue control. However, simulated PID control can be included upon request.
- This simulator must be connected to a PC.
- The has been designed and manufactured to incorporate all current safety standards