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1A Plane Frame With Strain Gauges

1A Plane Frame With Strain Gauges

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

Product Details:


1A Plane Frame With Strain Gauges Price And Quantity

  • 1 Pack
  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Pack

1A Plane Frame With Strain Gauges Trade Information

  • 10 Pack Per Month
  • 10-30 Days
  • Export Worthy
  • ISO

Product Description

Description of DIDAC 1a Plane Frame With Strain Gauges

1a Plane Frame With Strain Gauges is made from fully welded hollow square section steel members making a 45° truss. The truss has special end mountings supplied that allow different end bearing conditions to be used, i.e. pinned and roller end. The end mountings also allow the frame to be inverted for work on an inverted truss. Seven members of the truss are 1a Plane Frame With Strain Gauges

with half bridge arrangements. Each 1a Plane Frame With Strain Gauges pairing has a cable loom attached and terminated with a numbered connector. This connector can be fitted into the optionally available Data Acquisition Interface for direct reading of the member strain during loading. The truss has been specially designed to be tested in the MAGNUS Test frame. The standard accessories supplied with the are required. The experiment calls for joint deflections to be measured during testing. Safety chains and high level reaction supports are supplied with this apparatus.

Experimental Capabilities of 1a Plane Frame With Strain Gauges

  1. Comparison of deflections with theoretical values assuming pin joints
  2. Comparison between normal and inverted trusses
  3. Measurement of strains in members of a fully welded truss
  4. Investigation of reciprocal theorem
  5. Strain gauging of welded structures
  6. The use of strain gauges and strain meters
  7. Comparison of deflections with theoretical values assuming pin joints
  8. Comparison between normal and inverted trusses
  9. Measurement of strains in members of a fully welded truss
  10. Investigation of reciprocal theorem
  11. Strain gauging of welded structures
  12. The use of strain gauges and strain meters

Specification of 1a Plane Frame With Strain Gauges

  1. Effective teaching experiment
  2. Real size welded truss
  3. Comparison with pin jointed design theory
  4. Verification of reciprocal theorem
  5. Provides influence lines
  6. A comprehensive instruction manual for students and lecturer provided.
  7. Must be used in conjunction with the  300 kN Universal Testing Frame, Hydraulic Ram System



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